Was given a lethal dose of sodium pentathlon but wasn't dying. It's winter time, I'm in Seattle finding winter clothes. I'm collecting gold coins I find.
Dreams can be highly subjective and can vary in meaning for each individual. However, I can provide you with a possible interpretation for the elements present in your dream.
Being given a lethal dose of sodium pentathlon but not dying may symbolize a feeling of being overwhelmed or feeling pressured by something in your waking life. It could indicate a sense of being trapped or facing difficult challenges, yet also reveals resilience and the ability to withstand stressful situations.
The winter setting in Seattle and the search for winter clothes may suggest a need for protection or preparation in your life. It could represent the need to adapt and protect yourself from cold or harsh circumstances. This may relate to the need for emotional resilience, practical planning, or the desire for a sense of security in your waking life.
Collecting gold coins in your dream may symbolize a desire for wealth, abundance, or stability. It could reflect a pursuit of personal growth, achieving goals, or a need for financial security. The act of collecting these coins indicates that you may be actively seeking opportunities or resources to enhance your life or improve your current situation.
Overall, this dream could be seen as reflecting your ability to endure and overcome challenges, the need to protect yourself from difficult circumstances, and the desire for stability and abundance in your life. It may be helpful to reflect on any current situations or aspects of your life that resonate with these interpretations to gain further insights.